APRC | Egypt Oil & Gas

APRC, APC Highlight HSE, Replacement Projects as Key Strategic Priorities for FY 2025/26

The health, safety, and environment (HSE) projects as well as the replacement and renewal projects came on the top priorities of the planning budget for Amreya Petroleum Refining Company (APRC) and Alexandria Petr ...

APRC, EPROM Seal Protocol to Rehabilitate 3 Villages in Alexandria

Based on the social responsibility strategy of the petroleum sector, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MoPMR) announced the signing of a protocol for the development and rehabilitation project of th ...

APRC Reports on Energy Efficiency Initiatives, Emission Reductions in FY 2023/2024

Amreya Petroleum Refining Company (APRC) Chairman, Mohamed Sobhi, reviewed the most important results of the work achieved during fiscal year 2023/2024. Sobhi explained that the received quantities of crude oil we ...

APRC Refines Over 3.6M Tons of Oil During FY 2021/22

This came during the general assemblies chaired by Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, to review the results of APRC, Alexandria Petroleum Company (APC), and the Egyptian Petrochemicals Ho ...

El Molla Issues New Promotions, Appointments

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek El Molla issued new promotions and appointments

El Molla Chairs General Assembly of APC, APRC

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, chaired the general assemblies of Alexandria Petroleum Company (APC) and Amreya Petroleum Refining Company (APRC), via videoconference, to approve their ...

El Molla Inspects Refinery Projects in Alexandria

The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, has inspected a number of refinery projects in Alexandria.

APRC Refines over 3 M Tons of Crude in 2020/21

The company produced 72,000 tons of butane, 938,000 tons of mazut, 440,000 tons of 80-octanes benzene, and 955,000 tons of diesel.

El Molla Issues New Transfers in Petroleum Sector

The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, has issued a new transfers movement in the petroleum sector to support the petroleum companies and sites with the needed competences and expertise t ...

El Molla Encourages APRC, APC Refineries Expansion

The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, encouraged the production expansion projects and infrastructure development of Amerya and Alexandria refineries following a time schedule to achieve ...

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