Circle Oil plc provided an operational update on its activities in Egypt

In Egypt the exploration/appraisal well Al Ola-1X reached TD at 14,323ft in the Lower Rudeis, following drilling through the Kareem Formation. Log analysis has shown both sand units of the Kareem Formation to be oil bearing with no indication of the OWC.

Formation pressure testing showed some limited communication with the updip Al Amir SE producers and the well has proven up the southern Al Amir SE field extension in the Al Ola area. The Top Shagar was encountered at 9,731ft MD with 6ft of net pay and Top Rahmi at 9,782ft MD with 19ft of net pay (operator figures). The oil column is presently down to the base Rahmi Sand at 9,802ft MD (9,719ft SS). On initial testing at clean up, the Kareem Rahmi Formation Sandstones flowed 42oAPI oil at an average rate of 1,575bopd and 1.65MMscfd of gas using a 32/64″ choke from the lower of the two identified pay zones in the interval 9,780-9 800ft MD. The well, which is the sixth appraisal well to be drilled in the Al Amir SE discovery area, was shut in for a pressure build up and later placed on stream at an initial rate of 1,500bopd and 1.6MMscf/d of gas using a 32/64″ choke.

The secondary target in the Lower Rudeis Formation was encountered with two hydrocarbon bearing intervals from 13,425-13,460ft MD and 13 510-13,540ft MD. This occurrence proves up the extension of the Lower Rudeis accumulation in the Al Amir SE-6X well, located 3.6 kilometers to the northwest. Due to repeated and multiple mechanical problems, final testing of the Lower Rudeis intervals could not be completed. Further appraisal of the Lower Rudeis is to be undertaken with future wells. The next well to be drilled is Al Amir SE-7X, to be located to the west of the Al Amir SE-4X well. This well is intended to be a water injector for the Kareem sands, but is presently planned to be deepened to evaluate the Lower Rudeis potential.

Until water injection is installed and proven effective in the Al Amir SE field, it is planned to reduce the NW Gemsa production rate as part of good field management practice. Gross production from the Al Amir SE and Geyad fields, for an interim period, is expected to be 7,000-8,000 bopd after which oil production levels will be systematically and incrementally increased together with the planned gas production.

(Source: stockmarketsreview)


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