Features / Technology

Filtration of Completion and Workover Fluids

Weighted brines are commonly used to prepare oil and gas producing wells for completion and the initiation of production. These brines are often referred to as completion fluids. The proper type and concentration of brine is required in order to prevent blowouts and ensure well safety by balancing the formation pressure. If the system is under-balanced, when the formation pressure is greater than the well bore, oil and gas will enter the "hole" endangering the rig and crew. As a result, most work is performed in a slightly over-balanced situation, where the fluid pressure in the hole is slightly greater than the formation pressure. When over-balanced, large volumes of expensive brine may be lost to the formation. Since these fluids will come in contact with the formation, perforation and gravel pack, it is important that they be free of suspended solids so that they do not damage or reduce the permeability of these production zones.

Simple, Reliable and Cost-effective Annular Isolation Using Swellable Elastomer Packer Technology

Reliability, simplicity and operating time are key considerations in designing any drilling and completion program in the oil and gas industry. This is especially true in offshore operations because of the considerably higher daily rig rates and operating costs. But it is also true on land and at remote locations where improved efficiencies are also desired.

Advances in Drilling Waste Management:

Award-Winning HCB™ Bulk Cuttings Transfer and Storage System Implemented in the UK North Sea

Study of Tertiary Oil Recovery by Surfactant/ Polymer Flooding

Surfactants/Polymers (SP) has been in use since the 1950’s. Technological advancements during the 1980’s by major oil and services companies have resulted in a thoroughly tested and reliable technology. SP has been used worldwide and has been successful in recovering additional oil of about 15 to 30% of OOIP.

How underground location technology is helping utilities hit the right spot?

While there may be records of where underground services – such as water, power, gas and so on – are located, but these may not always be entirely accurate. This means that when mistakes occur, or when extension work needs to be carried out, time and money can be wasted trying to find a specific cable, pipe or joint. However, developments in new underground location technology are bringing extremely accurate underground location information within the reach and budgets of today’s utilities, contractors and construction companies

3M Specialty Materials

A new technology for reducing the density of drilling fluids

Scarab /Saffron Production System Simulator

By Fantoft Process Technologies represented in Egypt by Drexel Oilfield Equipment This write-up gives an overall description of Kongsberg’s involvement (project performed by Fantoft Process Technologies, which now is a part of KongsbergMaritime) in the West Delta Gas Development Project. As a world-leading supplier of simulators and services, Kongsberg was selected to deliver aProduction System Simulator for the Scarab/Saffron project. Through the real time production management solutions, Kongsberg was involved in theproject during the engineering phase leading to the extension of the same solutions through D-SPICE for Simian/Sienna/Sapphire fields.

Cement seal units eliminates the inter-zonal communication

SEAL UNITS prevent fluid movement at the interfacebetween the outer surface of the casing and the inside ofthe cement sheath. In spite of the improved practice ofreleasing pressure on the casing after the top plug bumps,investigations by different research and developmentgroups confirm that leakage at this interface is not onlypossible, but probable, when subjected differentialpressures often encountered in completing or producinga well. Inter-zonal communication at this point, like“channeling” in the remainder of the annulus, will preventefficient depletion of the producing zone, or causestimulation work (fracturing, acdizing, etc) to beineffective due to uncontrolled fluid migration in theannulus.

Meeting Deepwater Drilling Challenges with Invert Emulsion Fluids

Baroid’s latest clay-freeINNOVERT™ synthetic-base fluid (SBF), based on clay-free ACCOLADE® technology, has delivered exceptional performance on the first nine wells of a new contract with a major operator in ultra-deep water over 5,000 feet offshore West Africa. Based on a low viscosity n-alkane base fluid and built without using the regular organophilic colloidal additives used in conventional invert emulsion fluids, this state-of-the-art drilling fluid represents a quantum leap in deepwater drilling fluid performance.

Halliburton: Hydrating Lost-Circulation Squeeze Helps Restore Circulation in Severe Loss Zone

While drilling a deep gas well through sensitive shales in the Qawassim formation in the Nile Delta area of Egypt, a major operator encountered severe lost circulation in the 8-1/2-in. intermediate interval, beginning immediately below the 9-5/8-in. casing shoe at approximately 3,100 m. Porous sand stringers are interspersed in the shale sequence, and these stringers were the suspected thief zones.

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