Gas discovery in the North Sea

StatoilHydro has struck gas during the drilling of a sidetrack on the Fulla prospect ten kilometres northeast of the Frigg field in the North Sea.

Earlier this year an exploration well on the same prospect encountered small volumes of gas.

The combined volumes proven through the two wells are estimated at between 63 and 107 million barrels of oil equivalent.

“Gas reserves of this size within infrastructure-led exploration provinces are of commercial interest and the discovery may help maintain the operation of installations in the Frigg and Heimdal areas,” says Tom Dreyer, StatoilHydro’s vice president for infrastructure-led exploration in the North Sea.

The discovery is located close to the abandoned Lille Frigg field, and tie-in to one of the fixed installations in the area will now be considered.

“The discovery is a result of thorough interdisciplinary work over several years. We saw the potentials for good reservoir properties in this area at an early stage and our interpretation of the sub-surface was sustained by the discovery of this gas column,” Mr Dreyer says.

Well 30/11-7A struck gas with a considerable content of condensate in Mid-Jurassic reservoir rocks.

The Fulla prospect belongs to production licences PL362 and PL035B. The Fulla licensees are: Dana Petroleum Norway (10%), Det norske oljeselskap (15%), Svenska Petroleum Exploration (25%) and StatoilHydro (operator, 50%).

Facts about well 30/11-7A on the Fulla prospect:

·         Well 30/11-7A struck gas and condensate in Mid-Jurassic reservoir rocks

·         The discovery has not been tested, but extensive data collection and sampling have taken place.

·         The well was drilled to a vertical depth of 4118 metres below sea level in 111 metres of water.

·         The well was drilled by the Transocean Leader drilling unit, which will now sail to the Åsgard field on the mid-Norwegian continental shelf for the drilling of StatoilHydro-operated wells.

·         Well 30/11-7A will now be permanently plugged and abandoned.

·         The well was drilled as a sidetrack from well 30/11-7, where gas was struck earlier this year.

(StatoilHydro Press Release)


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