IAEA | Egypt Oil & Gas

Zanganeh: OPEC Aims for Deeper Output Cuts

OPEC members are considering further oil output cuts but should wait until the effect of the current reduced level of production is made clear

White House Removes Nuclear Sanctions on Iran

The White House announced that President Barack Obama had signed an executive order lifting the US economic sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

Iran on Verge of Sanctions Removal, Nuclear Trade with Russia

Iran’s ambition to have sanctions removed in January is "not impossible", according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran Cleared of Nuclear Suspicions by IAEA

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that it had ended its 12-year-long investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons, as no evidence was found since 2009.

Russia Furthers Egypt’s Nuclear Power and Suez Industrial Plans

Minister of Electricity Mohammed Shaker explained that nuclear power was a key facet in the government’s strategy to tackle the current energy crisis.

Iran Nuclear Derogation Wins International Accolades

Iran has disconnected almost a quarter of its uranium-enriching centrifuges in less than a month, the U.N. nuclear watchdog announced last week.

IAEA Last Hurdle to Iran Sanctions, Energy Projects

German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Iran for first extended visit to the country for a German official of his rank in 12 years

UAE Progressing Towards Nuclear Power with IAEA Help

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) announced the installation of its Unit 2 Steam Generators (SGs) at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (Barakah NPP)

IAEA Praises UAE Nuclear Emergency Response Plan

IAEA experts complete 11-day review of plans at Barakah nuclear power plant

IAEA Report Clears Iran, Officials Say

Iran and the P5+1 countries – Russia, China, France, Britain, the United States and Germany – are seeking to seal a high-profile political deal by the end of March and to confirm the full technical details of the acc ...

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