Kenyan Exports to Start Mid 2017

Kenyan Exports to Start Mid 2017

Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, said that Tullow Oil Plc will drill eight additional exploration wells in the country’s North Lokichar region. Exports will commence three months later, with the crude being transported by road to the Indian Ocean port city of Mombasa, Bloomberg reported.

Kenya’s recoverable resources are estimated at 750m barrels. Tullow will sink more wells to increase that figure to over 1b barrels. The company’s initial production will be 2,000b/d, with exports reaching 4,000b/d of crude oil in June 2017, according to All Africa.

Road transport to Mombasa is a stopgap measure until Kenya constructs a pipeline. The government has signed an agreement to develop that conduit with Tullow, Africa Oil Corp. and Maersk Oil Gas AS. The pipeline will link fields in the northwestern Lokichar region to a planned port in the coastal town of Lamu.


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