French InnoVent to Set up a Wind Farm in Namibia

French InnoVent to Set up a Wind Farm in Namibia

French company InnoVent and Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to pursue a plan for the construction of a wind farm in Namibia’s Tsau /Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, with a production capacity of 150 to 500MW, AllAfrica reported.

The Sperrgebiet is a diamond mining area in south-western Namibia, north of Lüderitz, and the deal was signed at the climate change conference in France.

Namibia is aspiring to acquire 90% of its energy via renewable sources by 2030, subject to the availability of financial resources

“I believe this occasion marks the start of a new era for Namibia, an era, in which we will exploit our abundant renewable energy resources to the fullest for the transformation of our country’s development,” Minister of Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, said after the meeting, according to


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