Aton Resources Company announced that the test results for ten composite samples from its Rodruin exploration project, located in Abu Marawat Concession, have shown final gold recoveries ranging between 51.4% and 84.2%.
Moreover, silver recoveries reached 25.7% up to 65.8%, a press release reported.
It added that four samples were selected for additional fine grind whole ore leach tests that showed higher gold and silver recoveries for the finely ground samples compared to their unground equivalents.
The company stated that gold recoveries from three finely ground oxide samples ranged between 87.5% and 89.5%, with silver recoveries between 52.7% and 73.6%.
The finely ground sulphide sample had gold and silver recoveries of 81.5% and 55.8% respectively.
Bill Koutsouras, Interim CEO and Chairman of the Board said: “These initial scoping level metallurgical test work program results from Rodruin are very encouraging. These results already indicate that all the different mineralization styles at Rodruin, including both oxide and sulphide material, will be amenable to conventional CIL processing techniques.”
“We are confident that we will be able to increase these recoveries by optimizing the leaching conditions as we proceed, and indications of the presence of coarse gold from some samples both confirm our geological interpretation of the presence of high-grade zones at Rodruin, and suggest that we may be able to further optimize gold recoveries with the inclusion of a gravity circuit,” Koutsouras added.
Aton clarified that construction of the new exploration camp at Rodruin is well underway, and is expected to be completed in early September.