Scarab /Saffron Production System Simulator

By Fantoft Process Technologies represented in Egypt by Drexel Oilfield Equipment
This write-up gives an overall description of Kongsberg’s involvement (project performed by Fantoft Process Technologies, which now is a part of KongsbergMaritime) in the West Delta Gas Development Project. As a world-leading supplier of simulators and services, Kongsberg was selected to deliver aProduction System Simulator for the Scarab/Saffron project. Through the real time production management solutions, Kongsberg was involved in theproject during the engineering phase leading to the extension of the same solutions through D-SPICE for Simian/Sienna/Sapphire fields. The integratedD-SPICE/OLGA 2000 dynamic simulator has subsequently been used for real time monitoring, look-ahead applications, offline planning and trainingsimulation, for well operations, sub-sea equipment and infield flow lines, onshore processing/storage/offloading plant, and MEG pipelines to offshore.This write-up describes the Scarab/Saffron Production System Simulator project, challenges faced by the client and Kongsberg, and how the simulator has been used in the ongoing operations of these subsea fields.

The Scarab/Saffron gas fields represent the firstdeepwater development to be undertaken in the EasternMediterranean. It lies in the in the West Delta Deep Marineconcession and is the largest gas field development inEgypt. The field is owned by the Burullus Gas Companyconsortium, which consists of:

  • BG Group (Operator)
  • Petronas
  • Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC)
The initial Scarab/Saffron facilities consist of eightsubsea wells connected to a sub-sea manifold, in turn connected by 24-inch diameter and 36-inch diameterpipelines to an onshore processing terminal. Electricaland hydraulic lines connect the wells to the onshore controlroom. The fields are located approximately 90 km fromthe shore and in water depths of more than 700 meters.
The development of the Scarab/Saffron fields providesan example of world-class project delivery, producingfirst gas in March 2003, following discovery in May1998. The Scarab/Saffron development is one of thelongest subsea tiebacks in the world and the first deepwater development in Egypt. Like Rosetta, Scarab/Saffronhas proved to be highly reliable and able to produce aboveits Daily Contracted Quantity (DCQ).
The fields supply the domestic market (626 mmscfdrising to 726 mmscfd DCQ since October 2005). Fromthe first quarter 2005, BG Group and partnersbegan tolling 225 mmscfd of gas from Scarab/Saffronthrough the SEGAS LNG plant located at Damietta.Since delivering first gas in March 2003, Scarab/Saffronhas also proved a reliable supplier to the domestic market.On 1 January 2005, the DCQ rose to 626 mmscfd. Up to1,000 mmscfd has been processed through the ScarabSaffron facilities into the national grid, supplying both thedomestic market and tolling through Damietta LNG.

About D-SPICE Production Management System (PMS)

Production simulators are invaluable tools for operatorsand plant engineers. Kongsberg offers a complete portfolioof simulation-based systems and services to the oil & gasand pipeline industry. Using these systems and services,operators can obtain minimum energy usage, maximumsafety and security of supply.
Kongsberg’s D-SPICE Production ManagementSystems are accurate, robust, flexible and easy to maintain.They communicate efficiently with all SCADA/DCSsystems and run under common operating systemsincluding Windows.
Kongsberg’s solutions offer low technical risk and aredesigned to accommodate future needs.
The D-SPICE Production Management System (PMS)is a unique simulation tool for pipelines used in engineering,operation and supervision.
D-SPICE Production Management System (PMS) isthe fit-for-purpose tool for most types of transportation


Production Management Systems

pipelines, including single-phase gas and liquid as well as multi-phase systems. High fidelity single-phasepipeline models are configured in D-SPICE whilemultiphase pipelines are modeled using OLGA. Processand control equipment are all modeled in D-SPICE.
The D-SPICE PMS has advanced, automated model tuning capability which is used to tune the model to closelymatch real plant performance.
The D-SPICE Production Management System (PMS)is an invaluable tool, which can be either utilized online, connected to the pipeline and process facilities or offlinein planning or training modes. The D-SPICE PMS includesa user-friendly HMI (Human Machine Interface) that canbe tailor-made to match your requirements.
Our D-SPICE Production Management Systemincludes the most powerful and well proven plug-in to OLGA multiphase pipeline simulator in the market, withmore than 50 reference projects worldwide. This ensuresrobust, accurate and fast performance of the integratedpipeline and process plant models.

Overview of Scarab/Saffron real-time Production System Simulator (PSS) project

The PSS is developed based on the Kongsberg dynamicsimulator D-SPICE and the multi-phase pipeline simulatorOLGA 2000. The PSS covers the process from reservoirinflow to the wells, through the sub-sea pipeline transportsystem and on-shore processing to liquid storage. Further,the glycol and methanol injection system is included withinthe scope of the PSS.Three PSS applications are installed:

  • The real time system functioning as a window in thepipelines for user monitoring of the conditions
  • The look-ahead application for fast predictions of theprocess state into the near future (hours/days/weeks)
  • It is also configured as Off-line tool for detailedplanning and training The production of the plant hasbeen ramped up from the initial low production level to the maximum of the eight producing wells. ThePSS has proven to be a very useful tool during this early phase of the plant operation.

Typically, the main benefits experienced have been:

  • Focus on the operability/flow assurance of the transportsystem from all levels of the organization, from FieldGeneral Manager to Operator
  • Benefit from rapid increase in the understanding of thecomplexity and the phenomena in the sub-sea pipeline system
  • Benefit from on-line presentation of key conditiondata for the pipeline system, which cannot be measurednor found elsewhere
  • Benefit from guiding the operators in liquid surge management, i.e. control of offshore/onshore gas flow taking liquid hold-up into account
  • Benefit from being able to plan operations through simulations before implementation on the plant, and hereby tailor/improve the actions
  • Tool for easy correlation and presentation of data from the whole plant, e.g. offshore gas production vs. onshore gas export utilizing the flexibility of the D-SPICE user interface

Operational Concerns / Challenges

  • Slugging/surge risks due to elevation more than 525meters over a 20 km distance
  • Production rates varying from 1/12 to 1/3 of total systemcapacity. Nomination can change rapidly.
  • >20.000 BBL difference in liquid hold-up betweenlow and high production rate
  • The design holds a variety of flow paths requiring theoperators to understand the dynamics of the transport process
  • Complex operational procedures requiring days to avoiduncontrolled surges when ramping up from 150-600 MMSCFD
  • Instrumentation sub-sea limited to well area and at manifolds

Experience from operations

  • Focus on the operability/flow assurance of the transport system from all levels of the organisation, from Field General Manager to Operator
  • Benefit from rapid increase in the understanding of the complexity and the phenomena in the sub-sea pipeline system
  • Benefit from on-line presentation of key condition data for the pipeline system, which cannot be measured nor found elsewhere
  • Benefit from guiding the operators in liquid surge management, i.e. control of offshore/onshore gas flow taking liquid hold-up into account
  • Benefit from being able to plan operations through simulations before implementation on the plant, and hereby tailor/improve the actions
  • Tool for easy correlation and presentation of data from the whole plant, e.g. offshore gas production vs. onshore gas export utilizing the flexibility of the D-SPICE HMI

Testimonials from Client

Ian Howard, Technical General Manager, Burullus GasCompany, Egypt:
“ The online production system simulator has added asignificant value to the operation of the Scarab/Saffronfield during the first year of field operation ”


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