Rosneft | Egypt Oil & Gas - Part 8

Obstacles Persist to Arctic Drilling

There are serious obstacles still confronting Arctic drilling, stated ...

OVL Buys Stake in Massive Russian Field

Indian firm OVL is buying a 15% stake in the massive Siberian oil field in Russia’s far East, Dispatch Times reported ...

Russia’s Rosneft, Petroleum Ministry to Work on Educational Projects

Chairman of Russia's Rosneft Igor Sechin and the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum Sherif Ismail inked a deal that will allow both entities to join forced on educational projects, reported Egypt Oil & Gas (EOG).

Rosneft to Supply Egypt with Natural Gas

Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail has inked an agreement with Russian company Roseneft to supply amounts of LNG to Egypt for the upcoming two years, reported All Africa.

Russia Expands Claims of Oil Resources in Arctic

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently stated that his country is laying claim to an additional 1.2m square km of territory in the Arctic, The BBC

Update-1: Egypt’s Deal with Roseneft

Egypt and Russia's top oil producer Rosneft have signed two initial deals for the supply of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas to Cairo, the two sides said on Tuesday.

Russian Environmental Watchdog Opens Case Against Rosneft for Siberia Oil Spill

Russia’s environmental watchdog has opened a case against state-owned oil corporation Rosneft after a pipeline leak resulted in oily water filling backyards and flowing out of locals’ taps in Siberia.

Defying Sanctions, Russian Oil Production Steady

MOSCOW, Russian oil output was broadly unchanged in February, at 10.65 million barrels per day (bpd), as a rise in production at smaller producers offset a drop in output from Rosneft and others, Energy Ministry prel ...

Statoil signs cooperation agreement with Rosneft

Statoil and Rosneft signed a cooperation agreement. The companies have agreed to jointly explore offshore frontier areas of Russia and Norway and to conduct joint technical studies on two onshore Russian assets.

Rosneft and Eni Join Forces to Explore Fields in the Barents and Black Seas

Rosneft and Eni signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement to jointly explore fields in Russian sections of the Black and Barents Seas and exchange technology and staff. The agreement also envisages Rosneft's participa ...

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