Colombia | Egypt Oil & Gas

Petrobras, Ecopetrol Confirm Colombia’s Largest Gas Discovery

Petrobras and Ecopetrol have confirmed the largest gas discovery in Colombia's history in the Sirius-2 well, which holds over 6 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas.

Petrobras Achieves Gas Discovery in Uchuva-2 Well Offshore Colombia

Petrobras has achieved gas discovery in Uchuva-2 well in Colombia and expected to reveal drilling results by 2024.

Colombia, Anadarko Sign E&P Contracts for Four Blocks

Colombia has signed exploration and production (E&P) contracts with Anadarko company, which is subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation for four off-shore blocks at the Caribbean coast with expected investme ...

Saipem Wins Three New Onshore Drilling Contracts

Saipem has been awarded the extension of two significant onshore drilling contracts in Saudi Arabia for a period of five and ten years, respectively, as well as a new four-year contract in Colombia, according to S ...

ExxonMobil to develop Fracking Pilot Project in Colombia

ExxonMobil’s plan to develop a pilot project for hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, in the Valle Medio del Magdalena basin in Colombia has been provisionally approved by Colombia authority, according to Reut ...

Ecuador Calls on Colombia, Mexico to Freeze Oil Output

Ecuador is lobbying fellow Latin American oil exporters, Colombia and Mexico, to freeze crude production as part of a broad price-boosting effort that would be cemented at an April 17th meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC p ...

Colombian Rebel Group Attacks Cano Limon Oil Pipeline

Production along Colombia's second most important oil pipeline, the Cano-Limon Covenas, has been suspended following two rebel bomb attacks carried out by National Liberation Army (ELN).

LatAm Oil Producers Meeting Postponed

A key meeting between Latin American oil producers and exporters planned to unify the region in backing an output freeze or other measures to bolster prices, has been postponed due to scheduling difficulties.

Venezuela Halts Gas Exports to Colombia

Venezuela's state oil company, PDVSA, has halted the export of natural gas to Colombia due to weather factors, the Colombian Mines and Energy Ministry announced.

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