Chevron | Egypt Oil & Gas - Part 10

Qatar Purchases Stake in Morocco Offhore Contracts

The Qatari state oil company, Qatar Petroleum, has reached a deal with Chevron to acquire 30% of its stake in offshore drilling areas in Morocco. Irish oil company Circle Oil has announced a new customer for its gas ...

Kuwait to Resume Operations from Oilfields Shared with Saudi

Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, announced that stalled operations and exports from oil fields run jointly with Saudi Arabia would resume soon.

Chevron Increases LNG Sales to China

Chevron signed its second agreement in the past month to sell LNG to China, amid mixed messages about the Chinese economy.

Global Oil&Gas Investments to Fall to Six Year Low in 2016

Global oil and gas investments are expected to fall to $522b in 2016, the lowest in six years, and oil companies plan to cut spending, sell assets, shed jobs, delay or resize projects, renegotiate supply contracts, u ...

Chevron Opens Two Gas Wells in Bangladesh

Chevron Corporation, the US oil and gas giant has started producing natural gas from two new onshore wells in the Bangladeshi Jalalabad gas field with an output of around 90,000mcf/day, and plans to open a third well ...

Chevron Announces Field Online between Congo and Angola

Chevron Overseas (Congo) has started oil and gas production from the Lianzi Field, located in a unitized offshore zone between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Angola.

Chevron: South Africa Does Not Need a New Refinery

South Africa does not need another oil refinery because the slowing economy has curbed demand and the country has ample petrol production, said Shash Rabbipal, the new chairman at the local unit of Chevron.

Angola’s Sonangol Evaluating Blocks, Resolving Oil Spills

The Angolan state oil company Sonangol issued a statement that it is expected to award concessions and sign contracts with contractor groups in 45 days time

Chevron’s Profits Down, Complications with Concessions

After posting higher profits than any other oil major last year, Chevron’s stock has badly slipped in 2015—down more than 30%,

Chevron Boosts Efficiency Even as Profits Slide

For Chevron Corp., a dollar spent in the Permian Basin can get 35 percent more oil out of the ground than it could last year, as drilling costs have fallen and as the company works faster on more fertile wells.

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