The Iraqi Cabinet approved a long-awaited draft oil law on Monday, sending it to parliament for consideration, the prime minister said, calling the agreement "another founding stone in state-building."
The state-run oil companies of Brazil and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding Saturday to identify possible areas of cooperation on natural gas projects.
Saudi Aramco, the world's largest state-run oil company, discovered a new oilfield in the Persian Gulf kingdom, the official Saudi Press Agency reported today, citing the country's oil minister, Ali al-Naimi.
Followed the results of deep exploration drilling on Tukhman structure, Contract area Block A in Saudi Arabia LUKSAR discovered hydrocarbon accumulations.
Kuwait City: Kuwait National Petroleum Co (KNPC) said yesterday its plan to build a 615,000 barrels per day refinery by 2010 has hit a snag as international firms have proposed much higher prices than expected to carry out the work.
GAC has been appointed as the provider of hub agency services for the liquid natural gas (LNG) fleet of BG LNG Services, a subsidiary of BG Group, reported the Gulf News.
The delay was thought to stem from the customs department's uncertainty over whether the blended fuel, which sources said was listed as low-sulphur straight-run fuel oil mostly used for feedstocks by small "teapot" refineries, should be classified as fuel oil or crude.