Midor Inaugurates 2 Health Units in Alexandria Governorate.

Midor Inaugurates 2 Health Units in Alexandria Governorate.

The Middle East Oil Refinery (Midor) Chairman Salah Gaber Bahansy and First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Alexandria Ghada Nada inaugurated the two health units (El-Wadi and El-Hawarya) in Alexandria Governorate.

This comes as a part of the sector’s social responsibility strategy and close co-operation with various state institutions to support the Egyptian society, and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MoPMR) keenness to develop the areas in which the sector’s companies are located.

Midor has conducted a health needs assessment of the areas and communities surrounding the sector’s companies, according to Bahansy.

The development and rehabilitation of the two health units (El Wadi and El Hawarya) was completed with the cooperation and funding of the companies involved in the expansion of the Midor plant. These companies include Technip, the general contractor for the new expansion of the Midor plant; Petrojet, the main implementation contractor for the project; and Enppi, the main contractor. The project was implemented by Petrojet and supervised by Enppi.

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Sarah Samir 3858 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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