Iran Stops Gasoline Import

Iran Stops Gasoline Import

Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, launched a new refinery that produces around 12m liters of gasoline in its first phase, reported Arab News.

IRNA news agency informed media that Iran has become self-sufficient in producing the amount of gasoline the country requires on a daily basis.

The Iranian daily gasoline consumption is around 60m liters of the fuel daily on average. The country already produces about 50m liters and some 11m liters had to be imported.

The new refinery is in the port city of Bandar Abbas, located some 750 miles southern Tehran. The refinery is capable of producing 36m liters of gasoline per day after it is completed in 2018.

Moreover, the new refinery produces 4.5m liters of diesel fuel, 1.3m liter of liquid petroleum gas, and 1m liters of kerosene on a daily basis.

Iranian President stated that a 2015 landmark nuclear deal with world powers contributed to reaching the operation stage of the project.

The deal capped Iran’s nuclear activities in return for lifting sanctions. Rouhani added that without the agreement “this giant refining unit would never go online.”

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Sarah Samir 3518 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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