EPS to Report Transformer Stations Status

EPS to Report Transformer Stations Status

The Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) contracted with EPS Electric Power Systems Company to write reports on the construction status of four transformer stations that aim to transfer the electricity produced from solar plants in Benban, Aswan to the national grid, reported Daily News Egypt,

A source with the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable resources stated that EPS was selected from four other consulting offices that bided to write the reports. The company is planned to submit the reports in 30 days.

Hiring EPS comes as the energy investors declined paying the third installment of the power purchase agreement of EGP 10m this month. They requested from the government to hire a consulting company to report on the transformer stations first in order for them to pay.

The cost-sharing agreement is one of five agreements that renewable energy investors who contribute in the energy purchasing feed-in-tariff (FiT) program should sign. The agreement provides for sharing the cost of linking the solar power plants that will be built to the national grid, along with the cost of the infrastructure on the project site in Benban.

The investors had already paid EGP 20m of total linkage costs of EGP 32m, in addition to 12.5% additional expenses.

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Sarah Samir 3615 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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