Bahrain’s LNG Terminal to be Completed in 2019

Bahrain’s LNG Terminal to be Completed in 2019

Bahrain’s new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal should be completed in 2019, Reuters  reports.

The terminal will be Bahrain’s first LNG-import terminal and will have a capacity to process 800 million standard cubic feet per day (mscf/d), according to Reuters.

Upon completion, the country will be able to import LNG to meets its energy needs, the Bahraini Oil Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa El Khalifa, told Reuters. No import contracts have been signed, he noted, but he indicated that Bahrain has been discussing gas purchases with Russia.

The minister indicated that the new terminal could be linked to a larger natural gas network.

“Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others will have access to LNG infrastructure in Bahrain, for example. The idea is to eventually have everybody linked up by gas. That is a concept under consideration, he told Reuters.

The LNG terminal is owned by Bahrain’s Oil and Gas Holding Company (NOGAHolding) and a consortium consisting of Teekay LNG Partners, Samsung C&T, and Gulf Investment Corp, according to Reuters.

The terminal is offshore, about 4 kilometers east of the land-based receiving facility. The project should ensure that Bahrain has adequate access to natural gas to meet its industrial needs and to cover high-demand periods, LNG World News reported.


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