PetroMod Petroleum Systems Modeling Software Reducing Exploration Risk

PetroMod* petroleum systems modeling software combines seismic information, well data, and geological knowledge to model the evolution of a sedimentary basin. PetroMod software will predict if, and how, a reservoir has been charged with hydrocarbons, including the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration routes, quantities, and hydrocarbon type in the subsurface or at surface conditions.

Surface geophysical methods can image structures that have the potential to trap hydrocarbons and, in some cases, indicate the presence of hydrocarbons. In most cases however, establishing fluid content with confidence requires drilling. Petroleum systems modeling (sometimes called “charge modeling”) is a vital additional component in assessing exploration risk before drilling, helping to predict which traps are most likely to contain hydrocarbons and which type of hydrocarbon (oil or gas) can be expected—as well as their properties.

PetroMod software is the industry leader in petroleum systems modeling technology, providing unique workflow capabilities. PairingPetroMod software with the power of Petrel* seismic-to-simulation software provides customers with powerful basin-to-prospect scaleexploration solutions.

Petroleum Systems Modeling
Petroleum systems modeling is the rigorous, structured, and fully integrated analysis of all available geological and geophysical (G&G) data related to the petroleum potential of a prospect or play.

Petroleum systems models are 1D, 2D, or 3D large-scale geologic models covering areas ranging from a single charge area for a prospect
to mega-regional studies of entire basins. The models are dynamic which means they provide a complete record of the generation, migration, accumulation, and loss of oil and gas in a petroleum system through geologic time. Properties such as gas/oil ratios and API gravities can be analyzed, understood, and then predicted. Oil versus gas distributions can be subjected to rigorous analysis.

Petroleum systems modeling is a vital component of exploration risk assessment or analysis from basin to prospect. It can be applied during
all stages of exploration, from frontier basins with no well control to well-explored areas and to charge assessments of single prospects or fields. Even in producing areas, charge risk on a prospect scale is still an essential component of a fully integrated risk assessment.

PetroMod software is the only petroleum systems modeling package with a standardized and fully integrated user interface covering the entire workflow and range of 1D, 2D, and 3D modeling products.

PetroMod petroleum migration simulation technology is the most advanced commercially available tool with an extensive range of unique technical features including 1D, 2D, and 3D temperature and pressure simulators and fully PVT-controlled modeling of n-component/3-phase relationships during the entire migration process and its geologic history.

1D and 2D Workflows
1D workflows enable single-point data models (wells and pseudo-wells) to be constructed from well data, from a stratigraphic column, or even
from a conceptual model. 2D workflows enable models to be directly constructed from seismic data or other cross sections.

PetroMod 1D
PetroMod 1D enables 1D thermal, hydrocarbon maturation, and pressure history modeling, including special tools to model the effects of salt
movements, igneous intrusions, etc.

PetroFlow 2D
PetroFlow* 2D has a full 2D temperature/pressure simulator and provides the most advanced 2D petroleum migration modeling technology as a complete range of migration modeling methods can be applied to the same 2D data model.

3D Workflows
3D workflows are applied to data models created from spatial data, typically using 2D and/or 3D seismic data.

Advanced 3D Petroleum Migration Modeling Technology
A full range of petroleum migration modeling methods can be applied to the same 3D data model according to the properties in the geological model, the resolution of the model, and the goals of the analyses. The flow simulation methods include flowpath, Darcy, invasion percolation, and hybrid technology that is unique to PetroMod software.

PetroCharge and PetroGen 3D
PetroCharge* is an entry-level tool for rapid analyses and enables 3D data models to be processed using multi-1D thermal, maturation, and
pressure history calculations, together with flowpath migration modeling.
It is most frequently used for initial assessments of charge and migration risk. PetroGen* 3D offers full 3D thermal, hydrocarbon maturation, and pressure history modeling.

PetroFlow 3D
PetroFlow 3D is the industry’s leading full 3D petroleum systems modeling tool. It has a full 3D temperature/pressure simulator and provides the most advanced 3D petroleum migration modeling technology, as different migration modeling methods can be applied to the same 3D data model.
The software packages PetroMod 1D, PetroFlow 2D, PetroFlow 3D, PetroCharge, PetroGen 2D, and PetroGen 3D, plus an entire range of modeling tools for salt movements, igneous intrusions, and other special geologic processes are all available in the PetroMod software system.

Fully PVT -Controlled 3-Phase/n-Component Migration Modeling
The unique PVT-controlled modeling offered by PetroMod software gives the ability to accurately determine hydrocarbon phases in the subsurface (for example whether they are in a liquid or vapor phase) as this is essential for the migration process and seal breakthrough assessments. PetroMod software uses flash calculation methods to determine the hydrocarbon phase for the in situ multicomponent mix, temperatures, and pressures. A direct flash to surface condition for any selected accumulation (known or prospective) is also possible in order
to determine API gravities, GOR values, and other properties so that models can be calibrated using known production data.

systematic geologic risking procedures
3D petroleum systems models include all of the key elements of geological risk in exploration: the charge, the trap and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration, and loss. It therefore enables rigorous risk analyses to be performed in a fully integrated and dynamic geologic data model. This ensures the risk analysis procedures are consistent and can be quantified.

Petromod and petrel software
With the Petrel-PetroMod Data Exchange plug-in, it is possible to construct PetroMod input models directly from Petrel data models, and to view PetroMod output data in Petrel software for a fully integrated analysis of all available data. New PetroMod products that are very closely coupled with Petrel exploration workflows are currently being developed.

Supported Hardware Platforms
Include Windows® XP, Windows Vista 32- and 64-bit, and Linux®.

Contact Information
For additional information, technical or otherwise, please e-mail Bjorn Wygrala at or, or contact your local Schlumberger representative.


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