Fugro SAE delivering exports for Egypt with international expansion

Fugro SAE has showed once again that it is possible to develop expertise in Egypt for use in regional and international markets, translating local market leadership into word class survey services performed with dedication and integrity.

At the time of writing, Fugro SAE’s vessel MV Fugro Navigator (the only specialized survey vessel in Egypt) is successfully carrying out geophysical surveys over three deep-water sites in the Red Sea, offshore Saudi Arabia. The surveys, in down to 900m water depth, comprise analogue and 2DHR seismic and geotechnical data acquisition. They shall identify any seabed features and debris, measure accurate bathymetry as well as identify shallow sub-seabed layers and hazards, such as shallow gas.

This kind of international project is a top priority for Fugro SAE being a good opportunity for business development and expansion. It is also an opportunity to export services from Egypt in exchange for hard currency that benefits Egypt’s economy.

An earlier expansion overseas took place in 2011, when a major Italian company contracted Fugro SAE to carry out a marine survey for a pipeline crossing the Adriatic Sea using an ROV (remote operated vehicle). The survey, again undertaken with the Fugro Navigator, determined the location of in-service cable crossings and undertook video surveys at the Greek and Italian landfall approaches to confirm the extent of coverage of Posidonia Prairie sea-grass.

Another survey is due to be undertaken for a major oil company in the Black Sea in early 2013. This survey will comprise a series of geophysical and geotechnical investigations prior to the commencement of exploration drilling.

Experience gained on previous projects in Egypt is one of the main keys to the success that has been achieved abroad. The demands of the deep-water environment offshore the Nile Delta and the high standards of our clients who operate there has prepared us for challenging projects in deep-water environments in other countries.

However, the training and development of our local employees is the single most important factor. In Egypt, we are fortunate to be able to recruit from a large pool of capable and talented graduates, who receive world-class training in the Fugro Academy.  Combined with investment in technology and management commitment to aim for the highest standards of quality and safety, we are confident of winning more projects overseas.

By: Fugro


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