FUGRO SAE: International Company with Egyptian heart

FUGRO SAE: International Company with Egyptian heart

Fugro SAE (FSAE) is responsible for Fugro’s survey and subsea activities in Egypt. Benefiting from investment in Egypt over more than 30 years, FSAE has developed a strong capability in the country, allowing delivery of world-class services to the Egyptian offshore industry entirely by Egyptian staff and locally available resources.

Experience & Capability

Since the early 1980’s, FSAE has supported all major oil companies operating offshore Egypt. As a result, FSAE has gained a vast experience and holds a large database of geophysical and geographical information.

FSAE relies entirely on its own resources and employs its own dedicated Egyptian skilled workforce, from senior managers in the office to field surveyors, engineers, data processors and geophysicists working offshore.

This allows Fugro SAE to provide a wide range of offshore surveys, positioning, geotechnical and subsea services at short notice. Equipment is kept ready and tested at our workshops in Cairo, set for quick mobilisation.

All data acquired in Egypt by Fugro SAE is processed locally–from the initial stages of data transfer and QC, to the final processing and issuing of the final report–at our Cairo data centre in Maadi. We have a strong team of data processors, geophysicists and surveyors working together to ensure prompt delivery of reports to the highest possible standards in Cairo.

For other specialised requirements, FSAE calls upon other parts of the Fugro Group to provide services such as geotechnical boreholes, environmental and metocean studies, etc.

Human Resources

We currently employ 180 fulltime Egyptian staff and continue to recruit. Training is undertaken locally at our purpose-built training room in Katameya, given by instructors from the Fugro Academy. Senior staff members also travel abroad for technical and management training.

A large pool of experienced Egyptian field-staff allows us to support many ongoing projects simultaneously. FSAE runs a competency assurance scheme to ensure that personnel assigned to projects are fully qualified and experienced in all aspects of the work to which they are assigned.


Our company places an extremely high emphasis on HSE. FSAE’s HSE Management System has been certified to OHSAS 18001 as well as the ISO 9001:2008 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environmental) standards.

Fugro SAE is a member of the International Marine Contractor’s Association (IMCA) and we conform to IMCA guidance documents, and have implemented a competence assurance scheme for all our staff members that is based on the IMCA TCPC model.

In 2012, Fugro SAE has also passed an OGP-aligned HSE audit undertaken by a major international oil company and achieved a high score of 84%. The lead auditor commented, “This is the highest OGP audit score I have seen of all the geophysical companies audited worldwide”.

In the same year, FSAE received the runner up prize in Fugro Group’s ‘Golden SAM’ safety award for most improved safety performance over the last 5 years. SAM stands for Safety Always Matters.

M/V Fugro Navigator

Fugro SAE operates its own dedicated survey vessel, M/V Fugro Navigator. The multi-role survey vessel can undertake single channel and multi-channel (2D Hi Res) geophysical, geotechnical and environmental surveys, as well as ROV surveys and inspections.

Since its introduction in 2008, the vessel has been utilised for the major surveys undertaken by Fugro SAE. Her portfolio includes major block surveys as well as detailed pre-engineering route surveys utilising hydrographic, geophysical, geotechnical, environmental and ROV systems. Most of these surveys have been carried out offshore Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea, but surveys have also been undertaken in the Adriatic, the Red Sea and the Black Sea.

A dedicated survey vessel allows FSAE to offer enhanced services through permanently installed high specification equipment. The M/V Fugro Navigator is equipped with state-of-the-art systems such as integrated deep tow side scan sonar/chirp, long-range acoustic positioning system, high resolution multi-beam echo sounder systems, pinger sub bottom profiler array and 17.5T hydraulic A-frame for environmental and geotechnical operations.


The advantages of a dedicated purpose-built survey vessel include:

Safety – the reduced need for lifting and installing large heavy equipment onto vessels reduces the potential for incidents.

Continuity of personnel – regular crews, both marine and survey, performing back-to-back rotations, thus keeping unfamiliar personnel to a minimum.

Faster Response Time – being permanently mobilised and based in Egypt, the M/V Fugro Navigator is able to respond quickly and efficiently to client requests for survey projects.

Improved Technical Performance – the vessel’s permanently fitted hull-mounted sensors provide more reliable and higher quality performance than can be achieved with temporary installations.

Reduced Turn-around Reporting Time – the availability of a large processing lab on-board means that data processing and interpretation can commence whilst the job is in progress.

Cost Savings – a more stable platform, and better installed equipment result in reduced weather standby, due to the ability to operate in greater wind and sea conditions.


MOC 2014

We were delighted to participate in MOC 2014. The exhibition was very busy and we had many visitors to our stand. It was a great opportunity to make contact with old as well as existing and potential customers and also with other service companies. The organizers did a great job with the organisation and the exhibition hall and we look forward to INTERGAS 2015.

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