DEKA Development Project

DEKA Development Project

The DEKA project launched by Petrobel is targeting the development of both the Denise and Karawan fields in Temsah Concession located at offshore Egypt in order to add a Natural Gas production of about 210 MMScfd, with an estimated cost of $ 470 MM. The Denise field is about 70 km off the Egyptian coast, while Karawan field is about 60 km off the Egyptian coast. The Denise field is in water depth of about 100 m and the Karawan field is about 68 m in depth.

Project Description

  • Pre-drilling, re-entry, and completion of 4 new subsea wells (Denise North West 1, Denise North, Karawan & Denise South 6).
  • New control topside facilities to be installed on Seth platform installation of subsea system for each well completed with subsea protective structures and with integrated subsea Multiphase Flow Meter (MPFM).
  • Laying of 4 gas sealines (9 km 16” & 4 km 10”) and relevant tie-ins to 32” existing sealine network.
  • Installation of control umbilical and 4 new PLEMs with integrated HIPPS.
  • DNNW-1 Well Development: DNNW1 (PLIO 1/C) field is located in offshore Nile Delta, in Temsah Concession, about 5 km south east of DNW-1 in about 108 meters of WD, and shall be developed maximizing the synergy with DEKA development that is currently in execution phase in the same area. 

Budget/Cost Situation (K US $)


Current Approved Budget Accrued Costs
Total EFC Diff. Previous Years “13/14Up to

Mar., 14”

Karawan & Denise (DEKA) Facilies 307,800 307,800 0 112,107 92,164 204,271
Karawan & Denise (DEKA) Drilling 17,100 157,100 0 6,840 55,675 62,515
Total 464,900 464,900 0 118,947 147,839 266,786
DNNW1 (PLIO 1/C) 91,500 91,500 0 6,840 27,772 34,612


Project Status
Professional Services:

  • Basic design, feed and endorsement for the EPC contract related to Seth platform upgrading are completed.
  • Basic design and detailed Eng. For Sealine, completed.
  • Basic design related to DNNW1 (PLIO 1/C) completed.
  • Basic, detailed design & procurement services related to DNNW1 (PLIO 1/C) sealine completed.


  • All sealine material delivered at site.
  • PLEMs & Hot tapping system delivered at site.
  • The Subsea Production System (SPS) for DEKA and PLIO was awarded to Cameron. The detailed engineering and fabrication works are in progress, however, there is a possibility of delay that is being closely monitored in order to avoid it. New delivery dates: -XT1 31 May 2014, –XT2 11 June 2014, -Main Umbilical 30 April 2014, -Infield Umbilical 9 July 2014 & 21 August 2014.


  • Seth platform extension and TSF upgrading is in progress.
  • Consortium issued a schedule reflecting the new strategy of installing the equipment onshore and then installing the platform in a single lift.
  • For the deck extension installation, a dedicated meeting was held between concerned departments to arrange for the required extension shutdown during the maneuvering and lifting operations.
  • Fabrication, load out & sea fastening of spools & structures awarded to Petrojet, and the work is completed.
  • Lying of all sealines is soon to be completed.
  • Hot tapping operations for DNNW1 & KARAWAN has been completed and all PLEM’s have been installed.
  • Rescheduling of drilling and installation activities agreed by the Drilling Department.
  • Umbilical & SPS system installation of F.O.A. issued revised installation schedule matching with the SPS delivery date, and drilling activities already issued engineering works in progress.
  • FOA for accommodation barge issued to PMS (planned start date 5 May 2014).

Project Schedule:

  • Project expected start up- 1st well by July 2014.
  • Facilities actual progress is 74% vs. 79.4% planned.
  • Overall actual progress is 65% vs. 75.9% planned; the deviation is due to rescheduling the predrilling activities.


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