West Mediterranean | Egypt Oil & Gas

Petroleum Minister Inspects Drilling Operations at North Marakia Offshore Block

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Karim Badawi held a tour visit to the rig vessel Valaris Ds-9 which is searching for natural gas in the North Marakia area in the West Mediterranean, and currently dril ...

ExxonMobil Unveils Plans for New Gas Exploration Well in West Mediterranean

ExxonMobil officials announced that the company will start drilling new exploratory well for natural gas in the West Mediterranean area during the middle of December.

EGAS to Put 11 Gas Exploration Blocks for Bid Rounds

EGAS has finalized seismic studies and scans, and is waiting for the Ministry of Petroleum’s approval to set a date for the bid rounds.

Ministry of Petroleum to Offer New Exploration Tenders

Minister of Petroleum Tarek El Molla announced on July 31 that the ministry is planning to increase investment opportunities for oil and gas exploration by offering new tenders for the Red Sea and West Mediterrane ...

BP Boosts Gas Production in Egypt

UK's British Petroleum (BP) aims to boost their gas production in Egypt through enhancements of their concessions in the country in Taurt, Northern Alexandria, West Mediterranean, and Ras Al Bar gas fields.

BP to Produce Northern Alexandria Gas in 2017

British Petroleum (BP) is aiming to start the first development phase of the northern Alexandria concession and west Mediterranean deep water concession by the first quarter of 2017, with a production capacity of 450 ...

MENA to Acquire 55% Interest Offshore Egypt from Hess

MENA Hydrocarbons Inc. is pleased to announce that it has received co-venturer approval for the acquisition of a 55 percent participating interest in the West Mediterranean, Block 1, Segment A block located 60 km off ...

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