Iran’s oil minister says the country plans to pump up natural gas production at South Pars gas field to 100 million cubic meters (mcm) per day by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2015).
Jordan suspended talks to import natural gas from Israel from Noble (NBL) Energy Inc. and will sign an agreement with BG Group Plc to buy Gaza Strip gas.
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) has tendered to buy at least 48 cargoes of LNG for delivery in 2015/16, reported Reuters, citing three traders. A senior EGAS official also told Reuters that the result of ...
Egypt, struggling to meet domestic energy demand, has asked Russia to help it fulfil its gas supply contracts with Europe, Russia's Energy Minister was quoted as saying on Saturday.
The Egyptian Ambassador to Jordan, Khaled Tharwat, has denied media reports which claim that Egypt intends to reduce the amount of natural gas exported to Jordan prior to cutting off the supply completely by June.
Egypt, a natural-gas exporter to markets from China to Chile, is set to become an importer for the first time just as the new government needs energy shipments to revive an economy weakened by civil unrest.
Total SA is planning to explore for oil and natural gas off the coasts of Libya and Egypt, a region that may hold as much as 200bn barrels of oil equivalent, a company official said.
Egyptian industry should switch from fossil fuels to natural gas in order to increase its cost-effectiveness, the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) recommended in its eighth board meeting.
Khartoum has made a formal request to Egypt to supply Sudan with natural gas, affirming that Cairo pledged to study the request and respond accordingly, according to Minister of Electricity and Dams, Osama Abdullah.
French energy company Total is on the verge of signing a contract with the Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Company to establish a US$3 billion plant for the production of olefins by steam cracking of natural gas, sai ...