Field Visit | Egypt Oil & Gas

Petroleum Sector Leaders Conduct Field Visit to Inspect Sinai Field

Belayim Petroleum Company (Petrobel) Chairman Khaled Mowafy received the EGPC Deputy Chairman for Production Tamer Idris, Deputy CEO for Agreements & Exploration at EGPC Mohamed Mohy, President of IEOC, Francesco ...

Badawi Inspects Bapetco’s Achievements and Safety Measures at Badr-3 Field

As part of his field visits to follow up on the progress of operations at production sites and motivate and support workers to increase oil and natural gas production rates, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral R ...

EGPC Affirms Support for SUCO and OSOCO as New Drilling Operations Begin

A delegation of officials from EGPC has conducted a field visit to follow up on operations being carried out by the Suez Oil Company (SUCO) and the Offshore Shukheir Oil Company (OSOCO).

PMS CEO Visits Barge PMS 17 Site

Petroleum Marine Services (PMS) CEO Amr Badawy has made a field visit to the work site of the marine unit owned by the company, Barge PMS 17, in the Gulf of Suez.

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