Dana Petroleum | Egypt Oil & Gas

Zeitco’s Production Reaches 8,000 bbl/d

East Zeit Petroleum (Zeitco), a joint venture (JV) between Dana Petroleum Company and Egyptian General Petroleum Cooperation (EGPC), produced 8,000 barrels of crude oil (bbl) from its concession in Egypt, accordin ...

North Sea Shedding Assets, Employees

Oil and service companies operating in the North Sea are writing down assets and firing workers in an effort to lower production expenses,

North Sea Western Isles Development Running Two Years Late

Dana Petroleum has confirmed that its flagship £1bn Western Isles oil field development in the North Sea will come on stream two years later than planned.

Dana Gets Green Light for Development After Successful Test Well in Egypt

Dana Petroleum has been given the go-ahead by the Egyptian government to further develop the Nefertiti oil field in the Gulf of Suez following the successful completion of an appraisal well.

Dana boosts exploration and production activities in Egypt

Dana Petroleum plc is bringing new wells into production in Egypt, through its Joint Venture company Zeitco and has also been successful in the 2011 EGPC bidding process.

Development Success for Dana Petroleum and Zeitco

Dana Petroleum plc (Dana) is pleased to announce it has just completed two successful appraisal/development wells in the Gulf of Suez area, with Zeitco, our joint venture company.

North Zeit Bay success for Dana Petroleum and Zeitco

Dana Petroleum plc is pleased to announce it has just completed two successful exploration wells in North Zeit Bay: East Matr-1X and North Matr-1X.

Dana Petroleum and Zeitco confirm Egypt well success

Dana Petroleum plc is pleased to announce that Zeitco, its joint venture with the Egyptian General Petroleum Company (EGPC), has successfully completed its first well of 2012, A12Z on the East Zeit field.

Dana Petroleum awarded new North Sea acreage

Dana Petroleum plc in a 50/50 partnership with Sorgenia E&P (UK) Ltd has secured blocks 42/27, 47/2b (split) and 47/3g (split) in the UK Southern North Sea, in the final stage of the 26th round of UK offshore licensing.

Dana Petroleum and Tullow Oil announce successful Cormoran-1 well offshore Mauritania

Dana Petroleum, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Korean National Oil Corporation (KNOC), advises that the Cormoran-1 exploration well has been drilled to a total depth of 4,695 metres below sea level and has been plu ...

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