Research and Development: The Smart Way to The Future

Research and Development: The Smart Way to The Future

There is a dire need for new, more flexible legislation and regulations for pushing research and development in energy production technology.

Countries that have made great strides towards progress and prosperity and achieved major strides in the fields of social and economic development have not been able to achieve their desired goals without using modern science and technology. Since the energy production industry in its various types, traditional and non-traditional, is the heart of any development process, the energy industry was also one of the most essential areas that enjoyed intensive research and development activities in the energy industry and production, in order to achieve the important economic and environmental prosperity. With the tools that research and development give the country, the energy sector can achieve the desired end result of increasing overall production in an efficient, economical, and environmentally sustainable manner.

The enactment of legislation and laws that boost scientific research and push state institutions, non-governmental organizations, and companies towards developing their performance through the development of technological tools or smart administrative methods is one of the most important tools for crossing into the future. Perhaps it is also important to develop a general philosophy and policy for research and development within those institutions to ensure the commitment of the work team to implement these policies and provide a general atmosphere that supports creativity and development through accurate and systematic scientific research.

Perhaps, if we look at the policies of major international corporations that are applied everywhere, we will find that research and development is a key priority, with even more funds being allocated to research activities annually. Developing human resources within these institutions is also subject to the philosophy of research and development as one of the priorities and objectives of the work of these institutions, and even one of the criteria for success in managing the huge investments of these organizations. Accordingly, these major economic institutions around the world are sorting and evaluating their human resources according to fixed standards that ensure the continuity of human performance within the institution with high efficiency.

For major global economic institutions to ensure their continued success in achieving their goals, the application of policies for the optimal utilization of human resources is essential, as well as the development of policies and legislation that keep pace with rapid global changes. Hence, the method of dividing human resources or work teams within these major institutions into three basic categories. The first category is professional, in which work teams carry out various work tasks with great professionalism and a high level of efficiency. The second category is a group of distinguished people in leadership methods and smart management methods; they have real talent as leaders, and they prove to be effective policy strategists and decision-makers within these institutions in the future. The third category includes a group of innovators and those with superior mental and scientific capabilities; these are the ones who carve out the future of these institutions and organizations through research and development within the framework of financial and administrative support.

To appreciate the importance of research and development for the continuity of any economic institution, it would suffice to know that the popularity of Nokia’s mobile phones has declined because it did not adopt a policy that supports research and development, unlike its competitor Samsung. Major global institutions spend about 15% of their annual revenues on research and development and take great interest in the work team that carries out the development of products and services provided by these institutions and companies.

Therefore, I believe that we need to introduce a set of legislations that support research and development within economic institutions, whether governmental or non-governmental. This would entail an increase in expenditures for research and development activities within these institutions, as well as identifying appropriate mechanisms for discovering talented and creative people as well as forming research and development teams from them. They need to be given all the support they need to ensure the development of competitive products and services that will ensure survival in global markets and achieve added economic value to the national economy.

I see that the energy sector in Egypt is in dire need of such legislation and laws that derive from policies that support research and development processes, whether within the traditional energy production sector such as fossil fuels or the unconventional or clean energy production sector such as solar energy and green hydrogen energy. I also believe that it is necessary to provide full support for research and development centers within major national economic organizations to enable them to make great leaps towards development and bring about a technological breakthrough that supports economic growth.

Finally, we must realize the importance of legislative and legal development in a way that supports the economic and technological changes that are taking place in the world in recent times. I believe that legislative reform must take place in two parallel lines, one by updating and amending old laws and legislation to be in line with the current changes worldwide, and the second, by creating new legislation and laws that are essential to support economic growth and technological progress in the country.


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