Eni Drilled 6th Well at Zohr

Eni Drilled 6th Well at Zohr

Italian Eni finished the drilling processes for the sixth well at Egypt’s Zohr field in the deep water offshore the Mediterranean Sea. An official with the company stated that the well’s production tests will start late October and will take roughly 10 days to complete, reported Daily News Egypt.

Production tests on the fifth well had confirmed that the field’s reserves have increased to 30tcf of gas. Furthermore, in an exclusive interview with Egypt Oil&Gas, the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation’s Deputy CEO of Production, Diaa Eldin M. Kassem, stated that Zohr field’s production will come online during the second  half of 2017 .

According to the project’s development report, the drilling operations along with establishing a gas treatment plant and processing marine pipelines to connect them to the Shorouk concession area are currently being executed. Eni’s official added that drilling one well in the deep water at Zohr field takes roughly 40 days and costs about $100m. Accordingly, the first phase of the project, which is planned to be completed by December 2017, will cost total investments of $5b.

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Sarah Samir 3856 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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