Features / Energy Focus

Industry Demands Solution to Egypt’s Gas-Coal Problem

The huge load of black coal sitting on the docks in Alexandria last October was laden with symbolism. Lafarge, one of Egypt's largest cement multinationals, imported a shipload of coal into Alexandria without prior approval from the government. The environment ministry initiated legal proceedings soon after-a fine is likely, according to officials. ''Uncovered, and barely separated from the surrounding, densely populated residential neighborhood by a flimsy sheet of metal, the coal pile freely scattered its ashes and hazardous particles into the air,'' Louise Sarant then wrote in Mada Mas. The image of this ''giant mountain of coal'' reflects growing environmental concerns, delays, and frustration over Egypt's gas-coal issue.

Over-Subsidized and Unaware: Egypt’s Culture of Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption Crisis in Egypt Egypt lacks an energy conservation culture. Yet, the demand for energy continues to grow with increasing industrialization and a skyrocketing population. Egypt is not alone in facing this problem, as many other oil-producing countries in the Middle East are plagued with increasing domestic demand for energy.

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