fracking | Egypt Oil & Gas

Devon Energy to Buy Rival Shale Company

US oil and gas producer, Devon Energy Corporation, will buy shale-oil rival WPX Energy for an estimated $2.56 billion as it looks to cement its position in the top US oilfield.

France Studying to Ban Imports of US Shale Gas

French Energy Minister, Segolene Royal, said she is investigating legal means to ban the import of shale gas from the United States because France has banned shale gas exploration using hydraulic fracking for environ ...

UK Legalizes Fracking for Shale Gas Extraction

The UK MPs have voted to legalize fracking for extraction of shale gas trapped in underground shale rocks some 1,200m below national parks to offset declining North Sea oil and gas output.

US Shale Producers Lose Price Bet

The majority of US shale oil and gas producers passed up the opportunity to hedge prices by guaranteeing at least $60/b last quarter, Reuters

Britain Fast Tracking Fracking Applications

The British government recently announced changes in the way applications for hydraulic fracturing (fracking), are processed, Reuters

Mexican Oil and Gas Plays Struggle to Attract Investment

A full two years after Mexico was opened up to competition with Pemex, the state is struggling to attract investment, said Offshore Engineer in a recent report.

Task Forces Says UK Fracking ‘Could Be Safe’ Under Regulation

Fracking could potentially be done safely in the UK under "rigorous regulation", but it is too early to say whether it would be "a good idea", the Task Force on Shale Gas has reported.

After Fracking Denial, Cameron Hopes Unconventional Gas an Option for UK

On Monday, the council of Lancashire, located in northwestern England, rejected the British fracking company Cuadrilla's plans to develop a new fracking site in Little Plumpton.

New York State Bans Fracking Due to Environmental, Health Concerns

New York State has officially banned the use of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas, citing its potential impact on health and the environment.

Introduction of Fracking in Spain Causes Concern

Thousands of people in Spain have organised to protest the introduction of “fracking” – a controversial technique that involves pumping water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into shale rock to release gas and oil.

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