El Molla Reviews Added Value of Alexandria Project

El Molla Reviews Added Value of Alexandria Project

A press release to Egypt Oil&Gas stated that Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, received a report about the work in a petrochemical project in Alexandria, which aims to increase the added value of Alexandria Project.

The report is a part of the continuous follow up on new refining projects to be linked to production in order to boost national economy.

The project aims to increase high octane benzene through Catalytic Regeneration (CCR) to increase the added value, which is part of the Ministry of Petroleum’s interest.

Alexandria National Refining & Petrochemical Company (ANRPC)’s CEO, Khaled Khalifa, mentioned in the report that the project adds 850,000 of reformate to produce high octane benzene, in addition to producing naphtha and hydrogen through containing the heavy naphtha volumes produced from the new naphtha processing and calibration unit.

The scheme, worth $233m of investments, is expected to start operating by mid-2018. The project will boost ANRPC’s economic and production capacities as will double production. The Alexandria project is 78.5% complete and is processed through Enppi as a contract and Petrojet, which handles the operations.

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Sarah Samir 3864 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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