Dragon Oil Appoints Badria Khalfan As Country Manager In Egypt

Dragon Oil Appoints Badria Khalfan As Country Manager In Egypt

Dragon Oil has appointed Badria Khalfan to become the company’s Country Manager in Egypt.

Khalfan worked as Chief HR Officer at Dragon Oil since May 2018, with more than 25 years of Professional experience. She has passion about sharing her vast experience by managing and leading HR infrastructure through technology, compliance, and people. Khalfan also enjoys in-depth, professional, and hands-on experience in different leadership functions. Prior to joining Dragon Oil Khalfan held several corporate leadership positions in the oil and gas industry in Emirate of Abu-Dhabi.

Khalfan holds a BSc degree in Business Administration and Master Degree in Global Leadership from the University of United Arab Emirates. She is an active member of many prominent organizations both on the national and international levels.

Dragon Oil is an upstream oil and gas exploration, development, and production company. The Group’s headquarters is in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Dragon oil stepped into Egypt market in 2014 after winning the offshore exploration block of East Zait Bay in the red sea. However, the real entry to the Egyptian market came in October 2019 when Dragon Oil acquired Gulf of Suez Assets with 100% working interest, previously held by BP and Operated by GUPCO.

GUPCO is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Dragon Oil and EGPC. Gulf of Suez’s assets consist of four major fields with 41 smaller fields developed via eight major offshore complexes, and all feed into an onshore base at Ras Shukair via receiving and pumping stations as Ras Baker and Ras El-Ush.

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Sarah Samir 3612 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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