Copetrol 95 Octane Benzene Sales Increase by 31% in H1 2024/25

Copetrol 95 Octane Benzene Sales Increase by 31% in H1 2024/25

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Karim Badawi chaired the General Assembly meeting of Co-operation Petroleum Company (Copetrol) to discuss and approve the investment budget for the fiscal year (FY) 2025/26.

During the meeting, Copetrol’s Chairman, Nasser Shouman, pointed out that the company’s sales volume of 95 octane benzine increased by 31% and 92 octane benzine by 12% during the period July-December 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, which reflects the company’s increased share in the petroleum products distribution market.

In the field of marketing engine oils, Shouman explained that Copetrol has a 16.5% market share, and that it is moving towards making a shift in the quality of oils it markets.

Shouman, reviewed the company’s main activities, explaining that the total number of the company’s stations for servicing and fueling cars is 1,246 stations across the country.

Moreover, Shouman stated that adding 25 new stations to the company’s network of stations is underway, most of which have started operating over the past six months. Additionally, the company plans the establishment of eight new stations to enter service during FY 2025/26, which will also witness the start of the establishment of 16 other stations.

Badawi highlighted the importance of the role played by national companies distributing petroleum products in meeting the needs of consumers in the local market throughout the Republic for fuel and oils with high efficiency.

The minister also pointed out the importance of focusing on developing and implementing ambitious plans to increase sales and maximize profitability from distribution activities and service stations.

Additionally, Badawi highlighted the need to focus on applying governance mechanisms to the petroleum products trading and distribution system, and to enhance strict control over them to ensure that they are not leaked or traded illegally, which contributes to protecting the Egyptian people’s resources from petroleum products and the great support directed to them by the state.

Badawi expressed his gratitude to Kamel Al-Wazir, Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Transport and Industry, for the ongoing cooperation and integration efforts aimed at supporting the expansion of the company’s station network along new axes and roads.

In response, Al-Wazir highlighted that Copetrol is one of Egypt’s oldest and most reputable national companies, recognized for its leadership in the sector. He added, “We look forward to seeing the company thrive and to the continued excellence of its stations in serving Egyptian citizens.”

Al-Wazir noted that the Ministry of Transport was keen to quickly cooperate with the Ministry of Petroleum and the company in this regard, in an effort to achieve rapid results on the ground that would positively reflect on the company and its services provided to citizens.

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Sarah Samir 3804 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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