Ambitious Drilling Plan Announced Following Gas Discovery at Badr-1

Ambitious Drilling Plan Announced Following Gas Discovery at Badr-1

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Karim Badawi emphasized that the unwavering support of the political leadership, coupled with the Prime Minister’s commendation of the recent production increase achieved by workers in the petroleum sector, serves as a strong motivation to intensify efforts in exploration and production activities.

This came during the General Assembly held to discuss and approve the investment budget for Badr Petroleum Company’s business for the fiscal year (FY) 2025/26, which is operated by Western Desert Operating Petroleum Company (WEPCO).

The Minister emphasized the importance of leveraging modern technology, advanced studies, and data re-evaluation to fully capitalize on the opportunities and potential of the Western Desert region. He noted that increasing production in this area is crucial, as every additional barrel of oil or cubic foot of natural gas contributes significantly to reducing the country’s import bill and bolstering the Egyptian economy.

The company’s Chairman Ibrahim Massoud reviewed the most important performance indicators of its success in achieving a new gas discovery in the Badr-1 area through the exploratory well 10-2X, which is a continuation of the success of the exploratory well 10-1X.

The well was tested and put into production at a rate of about 20 million cubic feet per day (mcf/d), with proven reserves of 15 billion cubic feet of gas and half a million barrels of condensates, and undeveloped reserves from the remaining layers estimated at about 60 billion cubic feet of gas (bcf) and 3 million barrels of condensates, which is a first for the company in discovering gas in new layers in that area, from which production was limited to crude oil.

As a culmination of the success of the continuous exploration and development efforts, the company has recorded the highest production rates from the Badr-1 field, as daily production currently reaches 7,700 barrels equivalent compared to 800 barrels when WEPCO took over the Badr-1 site, which led to achieving an increase in production of up to 160% compared to the target in the current plan.

In light of the positive results and the new discovery, an ambitious modified drilling plan was developed for the current and next fiscal years by drilling three exploratory wells and four development wells, in addition to re-completing 12 wells. Thus, the Badr field was transformed from a field that produced only crude oil over a period of 40 years to producing oil, natural gas and condensates.

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Sarah Samir 3804 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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