Agiba Petroleum Enters 2025 with Historic Environmental Achievement: Zero Operative Flaring

Agiba Petroleum Enters 2025 with Historic Environmental Achievement: Zero Operative Flaring

Agiba Petroleum Company and its shareholders completed a major project in a dual achievement, reaching a historic environmental milestone in the Western Desert: ZERO Operative Flaring and increasing gas production.

This milestone was achieved by installing a gas compression station with a capacity of 2.5 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCF/D). The station delivers flared gas from the oil plant to be processed at the existing Meleiha gas plant, making this remarkable achievement a reality.

This initiative delivered dual benefits which are reducing emissions by 70,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, as well as increasing gas production by 75 MMSCF per month.

This synergistic approach was driven by effective teamwork and unwavering commitment, enabling the project’s fast-tracked delivery in just six months. The team achieved exceptional results by minimizing the project’s critical path through synchronizing activities and implementing best practices in procurement, construction, and documentation for commissioning and startup.

This effort was executed in close collaboration with the contractor, PICO Energy, while leveraging existing technologies. arriving from a concept envisioned in June 2024 to a reality by January 2025, thanks to the commitment of senior management at Agiba Petroleum Company, IEOC Exploration BV, and EGPC. Together, working toward an environmentally friendly future, significantly reducing the carbon dioxide footprint and environmental impact while simultaneously increasing production.

This achievement comes in alignment with the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources six pillar strategy announced by Karim Badawi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources earlier last quarter. The 1st Pillar is meeting the citizen’s needs for petroleum products by focusing on production and exploration activities.

Additionally, the 5th Pillar is focusing on Creating an attractive investment environment while maintaining safety, energy efficiency, and reducing emissions.

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Sarah Samir 3804 Posts

Sarah has been writing in the oil and gas field for 8 years. She has a Bachelor Degree in English Literature. She has three years of experience in the banking sector.


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