Africa Oil Corp. stated in a press release that the Amosing-6 and Ngamia-10 appraisal wells in Block 10BB have been drilled after the former drilling of the successful Erut-1 (Block 13T) exploration well in the beginning of 2017, which extended the proven oil limits to the northernmost end of the South Lokichar basin in Kenya.
According to Oil Review Africa, the Amosing-6 was drilled near the basin bounding fault and encountered 35 meters of net gas and oil pay, and Ngamia-10 was drilled in an untested fault compartment and encountered 65 meters of net oil pay.
The collected data from these appraisal wells will be integrated into the ongoing field development planning activities.
Africa Oil Corp. holds a 25% working interest in Blocks 10BB and 13T with Tullow Oil plc holding 50%, and Maersk Olie og Gas A/S controlling the remaining 25% interests.
The joint venture partners have agreed to extend the current exploration and appraisal campaign by further three wells. The additional wells will explore further the Greater Etom complex, test an undrilled fault block adjacent to the Ekales field and drill the Ngamia-11 well, which will be used for an extended water flood pilot test in conjunction with the Early Oil Pilot Scheme (EOPS).